St. Paul Cathedral is the Mother Church of the Diocese of Pittsburgh. As the Cathedral, it is the Church of the Chief Shepherd of the diocese, Bishop David A. Zubik. And it is everybody’s parish. It is the site of the local Church’s major events, including ordinations to the priesthood and diaconate, to the Golden Wedding anniversary celebration, to the annual Scout Convocation and the Easter blessing for families. The Cathedral welcomes people from every parish in the diocese and from all walks of life.
St. Paul Cathedral stands in the city’s cultural hub, a vibrant neighborhood of universities and medical centers, residences and restaurants, museums and offices and shops. Our resident population is small, but our worshipping community is quite large. We are particularly excited to have so many college students and young adults worshipping with us and serving the parish community in a variety of ways.
St. Paul Cathedral is where many people go on their breaks from study and work, to spend quiet moments in prayer, particularly with our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Our doors are open during the week and on the weekends (contact the office for additional information).
The Holy Mass is the heart and soul of our community, and we celebrate the Eucharist on weekdays and on the weekends (click here to view our Mass times).
In medieval European cities, the cathedral dominated civic life and the city skyline. As one historian of architecture put it: “The cathedral came to represent the city, and in some cases . . . it was the city.” That should be just as true today. For our city and our diocese, we want to be a source of renewal — spiritual, cultural, social, familial, and personal.
The Cathedral is located in the Oakland section of the city of Pittsburgh. It is bounded by Craig and Dithridge streets on Fifth Avenue. The parish office is a small building located at the corner of Fifth and North Dithridge with the entrance on North Dithridge. Oakland is a short 3.5 miles from downtown Pittsburgh and easy accessed via I-376 (the Parkway) traveling eastbound. Oakland is adjacent to the Shadyside, Bloomfield, and Squirrel Hill neighborhoods of the city, easily accessed by Fifth or Forbes Avenues.