Current and former Saint Paul Cathedral Praish parishioners, along with students who attended St. Stephen school and faculty are welcome to join the Alumni group in fellowship, social gatherings and fundraising efforts. For information on future meetings and functions or to receive email updates, please call the parish office and leave your name and mailing address so we can keep you posted.
The Alumni Newsletters are linked below. Please contact us if you would like to add birthday, anniversary, wedding, engagement, other announcements, as well as reunion information! We want to hear from you.
The Alumni Committee has set the following goals:
1. The Alumni Committee has committed to supporting the St. Stephen School Building which will
continue to support the neighborhood of Hazelwood and beyond. This commitment includes, but
is not limited to time, talent, funding, etc.
2. The Alumni Committee is committed to updating and increasing the alumni database. (On-going)
3. The Alumni Committee is committed to recruiting new members.
4. The Alumni Committee is committed to writing, editing, and maintaining the Alumni Newsletter to
share stories, history and updates on alumni.
The parish has transferred ownership and operation of the building to a non-profit corporation, "Spartan Community Center of Hazelwood, Inc." started by alumnus Tom Cline. Please consider donating to the new non-profit.
In gratitude,
The St. Stephen Alumni Committee