Saint Paul Cathedral parish will host a Mass in honor of Saint Regis on his feast day, June 16 this year. Our pastor and rector, Father Stubna will celebrate this Mass at 6:30 pm at our Saint Regis site, located at 3256 Parkview Avenue, South Oakland. All are welcome.
Please note that on Memorial Day, Monday, May 31 there will be a Mass at 8:15 am at St. Paul Cathedral and a Mass at 10:00 am at our St. Rosalia site. There will be no 12:05 pm Mass that day and the Cathedral will be closed following the 8:15 am Mass that morning. In addition, the parish office will be closed on Monday, May 31 in observance of Memorial Day. The office will reopen on Tuesday, June 1 at 9:00 am.
A landscaping workday is scheduled for this Saturday, June 5 beginning at 9:00 am, weather permitting. We will have flowers to plant around the Cathedral rectory as well as some other landscaping chores. We can use the help of any volunteers who can join us. Bring your gloves and any diggers you might have. Coffee and donuts will be served. Consider coming together and helping us in our annual spring flower planting as we work to beautify the Cathedral grounds. All are welcome.
Diocesan regulations are still in place to prevent the spread of the coronavirus or any other type of flu or virus. Some significant changes have taken place with more that will become effective on Monday, May 31. We need everyone's cooperation in our attempts to remain open and to stay safe and healthy. Please cooperate as members of our parish family with the rules in place. Click here for more information!