The Opening Antiphon for today’s Mass from Psalm 90, “When he calls on me, I will answer him” is God’s promise to us of His presence as we enter into the season of Lent and attempt to identify with the sufferings of our God.
What a gift God gives to each of us IF we call upon Him! How bountiful is His love!
Knowing that His word is true, what will you ask of the Lord this day as your “call” upon Him?
• Perhaps, you want to invite Him to be more intimately alive in your life through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit
• Maybe you need special graces to be disciplined as you unite yourself with Christ throughout this Lenten season?
• Or will it be, simply, to recognize Him throughout each day as you meet Him in His creatures and His creation?
Whatever you do, remember, God’s promise of responding depends on your asking.
Heavenly Father, help me to know that when we call on Jesus, He hears even our whisperings. Let me be open to and recognize His response.
To make Psalm 90 come alive, know that someone will call on YOU today for aid or assistance. How will you answer?